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Wednesday, 12 May 2010


Okay, so I decided that this blog needed a point. I weighed up the many and varied subjects upon which I am a noted authority. I came up blank.

Cut to now, many moons later and a decision has been reached.I have for quite some many years been engaged in a pointless, doomed to failure quest. One which has seen me endure countless hours of mind numbing tedium and toe curling embarrassment, but also many moments of teary eyed emotion, floor rolling laughter, and edge of seat tension. Yes, I have vowed to watch every episode ever made, of every television show ever made, in the sci-fi, fantasy, and horror genres.

It's hard, especially since the miracle that is Sky+ has been stripped away from me for quite some time now and there is no telling when I shall have it back, but I have persevered.

Don't get me wrong. The sci-fi genre is not my only TV love. I also have a similar completist mentality in regards to American Prime Time Soaps, Cop/Doc Shows, and Sitcoms. Sci-fi comes first though, and if it comes down to a choice it will always come out on top.

So I shall post on here, at no particular time, on no particular day, about whatever random progress I've made on the quest. Some of the shows will be current household names, others will be more obscure but hopefully I can be half way interesting about nearly all of them. Even the shit ones.

So said I on my other blog, MUSINGS OF A NOBODY, last night. In the cold light of day though I have decided that such an undertaking requires a dedicated home and so was born The Impossible Quest. Hopefully someone will actually read it. Please. I need the affirmation.

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