But if I'm not gonna do a long piece about Lost what am I gonna write about?
So I got to thinking, why must I only write about shows I've seen all of, why must every post be about a milestone. The very first show I ever wrote about on here was Power Rangers and I hadn't seen all of that, not by a long chalk. Of course the show had just reached a major turning point so I guess...no, my point stands. I've let myself fall into rules about what I can and can't write about and it's nonsense. It's my blog, no-one else cares, why should I restrict myself in this fashion. Enough I say.
So, without further ado I give you Heroes, Season 4, about halfway through.
First up, because I'm shallow, Claire appears to be turning lesbian, which would be loads more fun than it is had she not chosen the least attractive girl at school to fall for.

The Petrelli family regurgitates all the same turgid soap opera we've been watching for the last 3 years. Sylar wanders around getting into various scrapes designed to give Zachary Quinto something to do while failing miserably to disguise the fact that the character should never have survived past the S1 finale. And the 2 stories are linked because Nathan is actually really Sylar and Sylar is just in Matts head and ooh, isn't it all complex and clever? And Ali Larter is still knocking around, off and on, plodding from one manufactured existential crisis to another without a hint of any real character development. Although this may be a good thing, since in her case the writers seem to think that character development means giving her a new character.

And of course Hiro and Ando, the adorable double act that we all fell in love with in S1, what are they up to? Well, pretty much the same thing they've been up to since then. Namely, finding new ways to be separated for long periods of time in order to deprive us of said double act. Despite every scrap of evidence pointing to the fact that neither character is a fraction as interesting on their own. Did Star Trek do a 6 episode arc where Spock sat on his arse in a cafe while Kirk went looking for his girlfriend? Did Miami Vice do half a season of Crocket doing some paperwork while Tubbs went off to find himself. I think not ladies and gentlemen, for one very good reason. It would have been shit.

So does anyone remember when this show was good? No, me neither. Because it was never good. Before it was rubbish it was bloody excellent. The first season was an absolute masterpiece of serialised storytelling that had me for one on the edge of my seat for episode after episode after episode. Although those more versed in American comics history than I am may have something to say about how much of that was Tim Krings doing and how much was a blatant...er...homage. I couldn't possibly comment.
I even maintained the faith during the much derided second season with it's comedy oirish and bizarre time travel shenanigans. Even if Peter did get over his bit of stuff awful quickly. Is she still stuck in the future? I forget.
It was when Season 3 got underway that I realised my benefit of the doubt was being abused and the show was, in all likelihood, never going to be great again. It was truly a sad day. I watch a lot of tosh for the Quest and frankly, when something truly special comes along it's a real breath of fresh air. Sadly, Heroes legacy is more likely going to be a faint, lingering aroma of damp farts.