Monday 31 May 2010

Friday The 13th

So for some reason that my technologically stunted brain doesn't understand we still get the horror channel through on the Sky box, despite no longer paying a subscription. I thought that the channels still coming through might correspond with the channels you'd get through a Freeview box but when I hooked one of them up recently there was little crossover in channel availability on the two systems.

None of which is important. This is about the programming, and of late the horror channel has come up trumps for me.

Friday the 13th : The Series is a curious beast, bearing as it does absolutely no discernible links with the movie series. It focuses on an antiques shop which, following the death of it's owner, falls into the hands of a niece and nephew. Great pains are gone to to emphasise that they are cousins by marriage only, to ensure that the requisite will they/won't they sexual spark can be played up. Although it does then fizzle out quite quickly to be replaced by a quite sparky and endearing Brother/Sister vibe. So much so that when the writers remember and have them be flirtatious again it feels a little awkward and just plain wrong. Ryan (John D. LeMay) and Mickey (Louise Robey, credited simply as Robey) are shocked to find that Uncle Louis had done a deal with the Devil and many of the items being sold in the shop are cursed. They set out, with the help of Jack (Chris Wiggins), an old friend and business contact of Louis, to retrieve these cursed items.

The series follows the trio as they collect items as diverse as a compact that makes men fall in love with the owner, a scarecrow that guarantees good crops, a scalpel that gives the surgeon perfect results on the table and a quilt which literally makes dreams come true when you sleep under it. The catch in all of these cases being that they require human sacrifice to make them work. It's all pretty formulaic, with some terrible acting from the guest (and occasionally regular) cast and the special effects leave a lot to be desired, but overall it's as good as you'd expect from a network television show trying to tell the kind of full blooded horror stories you would see in the slasher movie genre from which it took it's name.

To be fair, the writers and producers do push the boundaries of acceptable content, getting away with a lot more than was the norm for the time, especially with some quite nasty sexual threat aimed at Mickey in a number of episodes. One episode springs to mind however, where they chickened out big time. Happy as they were to bring their lead female to the brink of rape on a number of occasions they came over all coy when it was time to kill a few little kids. An episode that sees two neglected kids escape into a happy fantasy land by way of a cursed playhouse which demands children be sacrificed to it was notable as the only episode not to feature any deaths, as it turns out that the kids were in another reality and were returned at episodes end. Why the Devil would see fit to set this curse in particular to be non-lethal is not explained. He's obviously just a big softy at heart.

Anyway, I have now reached the end of Season 2 and apparently I have a cast change to look forward to, with a new recurring character having just arrived on the scene who will permanently replace Ryan in Season 3. I'm tempted to say that I think this is a good thing as LeMay is consistently the weakest link, but I'll reserve judgement. The new guy could turn out to be even worse, although he's looking good so far.
There actually seems to be something of a little proto arc plot spluttering into life here in the latter stages of S2, with the Devil actively recruiting agents to go after the heroes, as he's sick of them interfering in his plans in one episode and Louis old coven trying to infiltrate the store to retrieve items in the finale. Of course ths could come to nothing and never be mentioned again but it gave me hope that maybe the show was breaking free from it's oh so stringent formula, if only slightly. The slight change of direction coming at the same time as the new cast member makes me think changes are afoot.

One interesting thing that I have discovered while writing this post is that, while there remains no link between the show and the movies - a rumoured potential episode about the team tracking down Jasons mask was apparently just that, a rumour - one guy wrote a series of novels that managed to tie the series and the movies up to that point in a single continuity. I may well have to track them down.

The big question with this show is whether I go to the computer screens now that horror has ended it's run of season 2, or move on to something else and wait for them to get around to the next batch of episodes. Time will tell.

Next : Freddy's Nightmares. Another big screen to small screen jump, but this time the actors along for the ride.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Childhood Magic

Okay, so it's another long post. I try to edit them down, I really do (you'd never make it through the first draft of one of these things believe me), but it seems that I can't write anything without rambling on. And I've just made it even longer by writing that . And that. And that. And... (Sorry)

The Chronicles of Narnia are among the most well loved works of childrens literature in the English language. At least among the kind of people who use phrases like "well loved works of childrens literature". To be honest though, (and this may speak more to the sort of communities I was raised in and still inhabit, than society in general), most of the people I know (Not me though, I is all cultural and shit) would be hard pushed to name one that didn't have Lion and Wardrobe in the title.

So I suppose it's fitting that when it comes to adapting the books for the screen the accepted wisdom is to start with Lion... and go from there, even though the internal continuity of the Narnia books has The Magicians Nephew as the first title. To be fair, even if Lion... weren't the better bet ratings/financially speaking, ...Nephew is pretty unrepresentative of the series as a whole and so probably wouldn't be the best bet artistically either.

All of which is just my roundabout way of getting to the fact that I've been watching the BBC's 1988 adaptation of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. It was the first of 4 Narnia serials that the Beeb produced in the late 80's/ early 90's, and was followed by Prince Caspian, Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Silver Chair, all broadcast under the umbrella title Chronicles of Narnia. I haven't watched them and shan't be in the near future. In fact the only reason I've been in a position to knock off Lion... is because I've come into possession of a DVD that came free with the Daily Mail a while back, courtesy of a family member who hoards these things despite not owning a DVD player themselves.

I'd been under the impression that these freebies were all "heres the first episode now piss off and buy the boxset" type deals but in this case it's a complete serial from a boxset of 4 so well worth the watch. I may have to pay closer heed to these offers in future, even if it does mean I end up buying the odd copy of the Daily Mail.

Anyway, to the show itself. The four lead characters (siblings Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy) arrive in the country having been sent packing from London during the war. They are to be taken in by an aging Professor. While exploring the Profs big old house they find a wardrobe which on occasion, but not always, serves as a doorway to a magical land called Narnia, wherein they have lots of adventures fighting with the native Narnians (anthropomorphised animals mainly) against The White Witch who has taken it upon herself to cast a spell on the land, making it eternally winter. Thats as much of the plot as I'm going to type because frankly, if you don't know the story of this then shame on you. Read the first paragraph again, "most well the English language." Away with you to Waterstones (or an indoor market, or a library, or...) and get it read.

The four kids are played by your typical BBC kids of the day, all perfect enunciation and proper manners. To be fair, Richard Dempsey and Sophie Cook, playing the two eldest, acquit themselves quite well considering.

Their are also occasional flashes of something special in Jonathan Scott, playing Edmund.

I do feel duty bound to point out that Sophie Wilcox (Lucy), despite growing up to be a bit of a hottie, has at this point in her life the biggest teeth I've ever seen in a childs mouth. Frightening.

The effects work on the show is something a bit different. Obviously well aware that they didn't have a hope in hell of getting some of C.S Lewis' more fantastical creations on screen using conventional methods of the day they opted instead to go with animating some of the trickier stuff and dropping it into the live action scenes in a Roger Rabbit style, only not as slick obviously. It doesn't sound like the most elegant of solutions and to be honest it's far from seamless but it earns points for charm and I'd imagine it was far from cheap. Especially the scene of Edmund riding an animated flying horse.

Biggest fly in the ointment of the whole thing was Barbara Kellerman, playing Jadis, the White Witch. She's gives a completely overblown performance that makes you think that she thought she was in a pantomime. Even the people dressed as giant beavers managed to retain more dignity in their performances. She went on to star in the subsequent BBC narnia adaps, playing a different role in each. I can honestly say that this news has seriously dampened my enthusiasm for these stories.

In all though, it was better than I expected it to be and far from a wasted 3hrs.

Next : Either a 3 parter on the horror channel or a wrap up of the stuff thats just ended. They're both in the works but I don't know which will be ready first.

Friday 21 May 2010

Girls Girls Girls

I am something of a lech. It's true, I can't help it. I see a pretty woman, I get a little, well, you know. And that's just as true when watching television as it is in real life. Maybe even more so because in real life a combination of crippling shyness and fear of prosecution means that I rarely dare to stay in close proximity to said ladies for too long, whereas in the privacy of my own cocoon I can ogle for as long as I want.

Sometimes a really dull or unlikable or badly written character can be made watchable purely by the judicious application of a good looking actress, but what happens when you have the really attractive actress, playing the really nice character? I'll tell you what happens to me. I fall a little bit in love. Do I think it's healthy to fall in love with a fictional character? Not really. Do I recognise the inherent weirdness in this reaction? Yes, yes I do. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen though.

It happened to me when I watched The Time Warrior and a certain reporter made her debut.

It happened to me when I watched the Smallville pilot and a certain blonde best friend arrived on the scene.

And it happened to me when I watched Belonging and met a traumatised cow called Fred.

In recent years Jayma Mays did it to me in Heroes with just one episode. I was literally screaming obscenities at the screen when she got Sylar'd. It broke my heart and I'm man enough to say it. Other one episode wonders (yes I know Charlie reappeared in Heroes but really, does anyone think that was a good idea?) are Georgia Moffett in The Doctors Daughter and Carey Mulligan in Blink.

The point of this? It's not to make me sound like a reclusive pervert with serious issues, but rather to bring us around to two shows I've been watching lately. The first is Stargate Atlantis. I lost track of this show a few years back when I lost my Sky hookup. This would have been mid season 3. A while later, my homeless wandering over and firmly ensconced on my sisters settee, I began using her Sky box to catch up with the endless reruns of the show at ridiculous hours of the night. The problem was, the Gods were against me. I'd record and watch two or three episodes and then there would be a powercut or the video timer would glitch or it would clash with some obscure old bit of tat my sister wanted to see and I'd get gaps. I'd leave it for the loop to roll back around to that point and pick it up again but invariably I'd only get a few episodes before something else put the kibosh on it. Until eventually my sister cancelled her subscription and I lost it completely. Aaah! Anyway, I tried. I really did, but in the end I had to admit defeat and turn to the trusty computer. And now I'm slowly but surely trundling through the episodes on Megavideo.

It's a funny one Atlantis. It managed to go through more cast changes in 5 seasons than it's parent show did in twice as many, and none of the variations seemed to gel completely successfully. Getting rid of Tori Higginson for example, wooden as she was, seemed like a boon until I realised that the writers really didn't know what to do with Amanda Tapping in this setting, to the point that she didn't even appear in a number of episodes during her one season as a regular. Joe Flanagan is a charismatic lead deserving of bigger things but unfortunately his character is written in such a way as to come across as arrogant rather than cool. Mitch Pilleggi is wasted in a bland 'gruff military type' role that should have been so much more and the killing off of Paul Mcgillions character was a cock up of the highest order. Or was it?

You see, Dr. Carson Beckett was likable. He was warm and compassionate and good at his job and pretty much the most relatable person on the show. But without his death there would have been no place for Dr Jennifer Keller. Played by Jewel Staite Dr Keller is the latest fictional character to capture my heart in an wholly inappropriate way. I should have seen it coming of course, considering my borderline obsession with her character of Kaylee on Firefly a few years ago. I tell you, when it looked like she was for the chop in Serenity, when she was bleeding out, there were tears in my eyes. Not a little trickle, rivers of the things. I was ready to put a hit out on Joss Whedon at that moment.

Anyway, I am now entering the 5th and final season of Atlantis and the lovely Jewel is now a regular. I shall enjoy her while I can.

The second show I wanted to talk about was Warehouse 13. A syfy (shudder, will we ever get used to that?) series that is massively derivative of too many shows to count yet is nonetheless eminently watchable, this series also escaped me when my sister switched off the Sky halfway through it's first season but it's now getting an airing on Virgin 1, which luckily for me is available through the rickety old Freeview box we had lying around.

So it and I are becoming reacquainted, just in time for the Warehouse 13 debut of one Allison Scagliotti, playing Claudia, a new addition to the cast who is credited as a guest star but is set to be a full time presence for the rest of the season. I know that she is currently filming season 2 but whether she has been upgraded to regular status for that remains to be seen. Yes, you've guessed it, Claudia is my new obsession. God knows where my loyalties will fall next year though, now I know that Jewel Staite is set to guest star.

Anyway, as I near the conclusion of Atlantis, Warehouse 13 is just getting started. Proof if I needed any more that this Quest is indeed impossible but as long as there are ladies of this calibre to keep me company, I shall never lose the faith.

Next : A big cat with a Jesus complex, an unpleasant woman with a penchant for statuary and a nice bit of bedroom furniture.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

The Tomorrow People

Nowadays there are entire channels devoted to programming for children and teenagers. So many that there is an entire section of the Sky grid devoted to them. Back in the days of my tender youth however, things were different. BBC One and ITV would devote 2 or 3 hours, starting around 3:30ish, to programmes for the youngsters coming out of school and that was it. Some people got very territorial about which channel they watched as well, with many an argument breaking out in the school playgrounds over the subject.

I was staunchly ITV. Even the allure of Andi Peters and his little pal Ed the Duck weren't enough to sway me. Although I'll admit that I did betray the cause slightly by switching over to the Beeb for Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles. You have to get your priorities right.

So anyway, one of the many shows that kept me entertained in the CITV slot was called The Tomorrow People, starring Kristian Schmid, late of Neighbours, and Christian Tessier, who would go on to do not much else that I know of for a few years before nabbing a recurring role as a viper pilot in Battlestar Galactica. There were other characters that came and went but those two were the spine of the show for the duration.

The basic concept, rejigged by original creator Roger Price, had teenagers manifesting powers such as telepathy and teleportation in a process called 'breaking out'. They would start disappearing from their homes and reappearing on a crashed spaceship on an island somewhere, before reappearing back where they started. They eventually teamed up to take on various weird villains and avoid the clutches of the pantomime military who wanted to harness their abilities. It was all good fun and surprisingly exciting at times. One sequence that springs to mind is one that sees them required to teleport blind into some Egyptian ruins, not knowing if they would materialise inside solid rock. Ooh the tension.

Schmid and Tessier were an amiable little double act with believable 'mate' chemistry and the constantly changing team managed, perhaps surprisingly, to avoid the curse of the child actor almost completely. I don't remember any particularly bad 'weak links'.

The whole thing was pretty much over before it started though, with the 3 seasons combined only amounting to 25 episodes but they did a lot with what they had. The guest stars alone made it a worthwile addition to anyones schedule. I mean, the aforementioned Egyptian serial even saw Christopher Lee turn up, playing Rameses. If that doesn't float your boat...

I loved this show, it has to be said, but I always had a slight problem while watching. Namely my Mother, sitting there all smug like, telling me how "It's not as good as the old one." Every bloody week. What did I care about some show that was canceled before I was even born? As far as I was concerned this was the real Tomorrow People and nothing was gonna convince me otherwise.

Yeah right.

Next : I'm not a perv, I just like the ladies.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

How the quest got started

I'm not sure just when I actually decided to embark on the Quest. I'm sure it must be well over a decade. It was never really a conscious decision so much as something that just sort of sneaked up on me over time. Certainly I've always been fascinated by sci-fi and fantasy and would eagerly seek out every morsel that there was to be had in the schedules of the 4 channels available to me as a child.

Yes 4. It may be difficult for some of the younger folk to comprehend - in fact I think my demographic was probably the last to live like this - but when I were a lad multi channel subscription set ups like Sky and it's ilk were, though around, very much in their infancy, with nowhere near the number of specialist and niche channels available. They were also considered something of a luxury, with far fewer homes possessing them.

No, all I had was terrestrial telly, and since Five, or Channel 5 as was, was still years away, that meant 4 channels. I suppose I should count myself lucky. Channel 4 launched within my lifetime so I actually lived the first few years of my life with only 3. Luckily I spent most of those years eating, puking, crapping and sleeping so having a wide variety of viewing options wasn't really something I was concerned about.

Channel 4 was probably the pick of the channels as far as my needs went. Sundays on there was sci-fi day. Not in any officially branded way that the channel was pimping but in my head it most definitely was. I would come home from my paper round and there would be a vintage slice of Yankland sci-fi. Be it the Planet of the Apes TV show (an underrated classic) or some Irwin Allen genius in the form of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea or Land of the Giants I knew that they wouldn't let me down. Then at teatime a movie, often decades old and completely obscure but nonetheless, a sci-fi movie to eat your tea to. It was this slot that gave me my first taste of the Dr Who movies. In fact, as I'm typing this I realise that that was probably my first taste of Doctor Who full stop. Little did I know.

Even when BBC2 started showing more modern stuff it was 'modern' in only the loosest terms, being generally about 3 seasons behind. Nevertheless, we got pretty stable scheduling of a number of top shows in their weekday teatime slot, with the various modern Trek shows, Lois and Clark, Due South, Buffy and the sublime Farscape filling the slot for a number of years before it was decided that reruns of the Weakest Link and a bunch of cookery shows were what the audience really wanted. By that time Sky was properly bedded in and they were airing shows months rather than years behind their original transmissions. I suspect the BBC had simply seen the writing on the wall.

Anyway,by then I was starting my first job, meaning disposable income for the first time in my life. MVC didn't know what was about to hit them.

Next : The Tomorrow People

Friday 14 May 2010

Come on lads, it's meant to be sci-fi.

Danny Bilson and Paul DeMeo.I know, I know, they've made movies and written video games and all that other good stuff that multi talented Hollywood types do but come on. Say the names Rod Serling, Gene Roddenberry, Joss Whedon, JJ Abrams and people know who you mean; instantly. Say the names Joe Straczynski, Chris Carpenter, Don Bellissario, Daid Greenwalt and assuming the people you are talking to are even slightly geeky, they'll know who you mean; instantly. Bilson and DeMeo, though? Not quite on the same level are they?

Nor should they be. They aren't as good. It's as simple as that. Which is not to say that their work is without merit.

Their adaptation of The Flash, starring John Wesley Shipp, is one of the best true comic adaptations I've yet seen and their two mid 90's shows, The Sentinel and Viper, are two very well put together examples of the car chase and shoot out school of cop show. What they are not, are good examples of sci-fi shows. And sci-fi is what they purport to be.

Viper is a show set in the future about a team of undercover cops fighting a crime wave in a sporty little vehicle that has the ability to morph into a virtually impregnable supercar complete with machine guns, remote control drone cameras, rocket launchers and, in the final season, a hovercraft mode for water pursuits.

And yet week after week they investigated murders, kidnapping, armed robberies and the odd bit of domestic terrorism when they felt like pushing the boat out. Where were the supervillains, the evil geniuses, the global corporations intent on overthrowing governments? The case of the week plots were no more fantastical or outlandish than your average TJ Hooker.

At least Viper had the car and the gadgets. The Sentinel had a cop with super senses. Which he used to sniff and taste evidence and read license plates from a long way off. That was about it. Detective Jim Ellison, played by stalwart 24 psycho, Harpers Island corpse and occasional resident of Wisteria Lane, Richard Burgi, is gifted with enhanced senses after spending some time in the jungle during his Army days. They lie dormant when he returns to civilization, until he goes camping. Or something like that, it's a long time since I watched the pilot. Anyway, he returns to the city with these new abilities and sets about using them to fight crime, alongside anthropologist Blair Sandburg (Garret Maggart), whom he agrees to allow to study him, in exchange for help controlling the powers.

There is some intriguing stuff in their about the origins of said powers in the South American native cultures but I'll be honest, it never really goes anywhere. Instead the writers seem much more interested in the same bog standard case of the week type episodes that Viper suffers from.

Burgi is, as he usually is, good value but it's Maggart who really made the big impression on the fans. Indeed, when the show was cancelled after 3 seasons, ending with Blair Sandburg apparently dead, their was a big fan campaign to save him, which resulted in a (truncated) 4th year. In fact though, I'm fairly sure I've read that the writers had not 'apparently' killed him to engineer a cliffhanger from which he would return but rather had fully intended to leave him dead in any 4th season, Instead, they brought him back for a fairly lacklustre final run.

This did at least mean we got to see more of new girl Anna Galvin, who had appeared as a new regular toward the end of season 3 playing another cop who learns Jims secret and would crop up a few times in Season 4, credited now with the "special appearance by" tag, since presumably the budget had been cut and no longer stretched to a full cast complement. Last in, first out, as they say.

Anyway, The Sentinel is toast as far as the Quest is concerned. Done, dusted and hands wiped of. Viper on the other hand has proved more problematic. FX (greatest channel on the Sky grid, bar none) screened seasons 2-4 as daytime wallpaper a few years back but omitted season 1, presumably due to the rights issues being more complicated. Season 1 had been a network show but after being cancelled it was brought back in first run syndication and I'm guessing thats gotta make a difference. Probably why Airwolf season 4 isn't in the DVD box sets. Although that could just be down to overall cackness.

Now, with season 1 unavailable I wouldn't normally have watched. And I didn't here, opting instead to go with filling up shedloads of vhs tapes. These tapes sat, neglected, until I did a little digging and found that when the show was ressurected it was an almost total reboot. Armed with this handy justification I decided to jump in. Problem was, having moved around since then I found that 2 of the tapes had gone astray. Aaah! So now Viper lies abandoned, for the time being at least, with 12 eps at the front and 8 at the back unnacounted for. I'll get them some day.

Final note - no matter how dissapointing his shows may be, Danny Bilson will forever hold a special place in my heart for 2 equally important reasons. 1) His part in putting The Rocketeer onscreen and 2) Rachel Bilson. Mmmm Summer.

Next : A look at the origins of the Quest. Or me moaning about the lack of channels when I was a kid. Take your pick.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Power Rangers. Yes. Really.

Not the most likely candidate for a first post I know, but I figured I'd need at least one proper post up before I started directing people here and this is what I happened to watch this morning. I suppose in a way it's a good thing. At least it illustrates that I'm serious about watching every show.

So, I've been watching Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (MMPR) for a while now, a couple at a time, courtesy of a Youtube user calling himself powerrangerguy. He's a big fan and has the first 5 or 6 years worth of episodes up there. His channel has been a big help to the quest, because as far as I can tell, these very early episodes aren't available on DVD and are rarely repeated, especially on terrestrial television.

Now, adolescent me had pretty good taste when it came to television. Or at least, all the shows I've remembered as being great have in fact, when rewatched as an adult, been great. Dangermouse anyone? What about ReBoot, Press Gang, or Thundercats?
Exactly, stone classics every one. Though the less said about the female voice talent in Thundercats the better. Don't know what was going on there.

Anyway, MMPR is an anomaly. I have HUGE affection for this show, with many a school hols morning spent cheering them on in my jim jams, but this definitive, chronological rewatch has revealed some things I hadn't considered back then.

1) Every episode is pretty much exactly the same.
2) Every episode is pretty much shit.

I'll admit to having a sneaking admiration for the way they handled the walkout of 3 of the 6 main actors - including the nominal lead, although he'd pretty much had that honour stolen out from under him by a hugely popular late addition - halfway through the 2nd season. They pretended the characters were still there, just offscreen until they 'morphed', after which the Japenese footage kicked in of the suited characters, dubbed with stock dialogue from previous episodes. Genius. They kept it going for a good few shows too, while they seeded both the eventual replacements and the explanation for the departure of the originals. It was carried out pretty seamlessly.

The situation had arisen, so far as I can tell, when 2 of the cast had complained about money. They felt that they were not being adequately compensated for the fact that they were required to do all their own stunts in the unmorphed action scenes, which had resulted in, amongst other things, broken bones and an amputated finger. Yes, someone sacrificed a finger for MMPR. I think I'd have walked there and then.
Anyway, they ended up quitting and a 3rd guy went with them out of solidarity.* Good for him. I bet they were all kicking themselves when they saw the new guys up on the big screen months later in the movie, cashing in on the show they had built. Oh well.

I was curious to see how long it took the new characters to bed in but the question is pretty much academic when you consider they are essentially exactly the same characters playd by new meat puppets. In all honesty, I'd guess the scripts were already written and they just changd the names.

So there you are, a show with very little in the way of redeaming features onscreen, - unless you count Amy Jo Johnson, mmmm pink ranger - but a somewhat kinda sort of vaguely interesting offscreen story.

*Facts based on about 10mins wikipedia reading so could be bollocks.

Next time : Some other show. Your guess is as good as mine.


Okay, so I decided that this blog needed a point. I weighed up the many and varied subjects upon which I am a noted authority. I came up blank.

Cut to now, many moons later and a decision has been reached.I have for quite some many years been engaged in a pointless, doomed to failure quest. One which has seen me endure countless hours of mind numbing tedium and toe curling embarrassment, but also many moments of teary eyed emotion, floor rolling laughter, and edge of seat tension. Yes, I have vowed to watch every episode ever made, of every television show ever made, in the sci-fi, fantasy, and horror genres.

It's hard, especially since the miracle that is Sky+ has been stripped away from me for quite some time now and there is no telling when I shall have it back, but I have persevered.

Don't get me wrong. The sci-fi genre is not my only TV love. I also have a similar completist mentality in regards to American Prime Time Soaps, Cop/Doc Shows, and Sitcoms. Sci-fi comes first though, and if it comes down to a choice it will always come out on top.

So I shall post on here, at no particular time, on no particular day, about whatever random progress I've made on the quest. Some of the shows will be current household names, others will be more obscure but hopefully I can be half way interesting about nearly all of them. Even the shit ones.

So said I on my other blog, MUSINGS OF A NOBODY, last night. In the cold light of day though I have decided that such an undertaking requires a dedicated home and so was born The Impossible Quest. Hopefully someone will actually read it. Please. I need the affirmation.